You can add a teammate to your existing account or you can create a separate team account.
To add a teammate to your existing account:
- If you have recurring customers, notify them of the change to your account
- Give us the full name and email of the person being added
- Upload a new profile picture that includes your teammate
- We will send you a confirmation once your solo account has been modified to a team account
To create a separate team account:
- Apply to Hux under a new email address
- In the application, select that you'll be working with a teammate and include the team member's full name, email address and phone number
- Contact once you've completed the application.
Please remember your new teammate must be consistent, and reliable. If you are a team both people must show up to ALL appointments together.
To remove a teammate:
- If you have recurring customers, notify them of the change to your account
- Contact to remove the teammate
- Upload an updated picture by yourself
- We will send you a confirmation once your team account has been modified to a solo account