If something is damaged during your service, email pictures and a description to support@hux.com within 48 hours of the appointment. We do not cover damages for claims outside of the 48-hour notification window.
If your damage claim is approved, the maximum reimbursement is $1,000.00.
- Damage claims are only reimbursed if we determine that the provider caused the damage due to overt negligence that would not have been caused by another service company. For example, if a sink faucet is already broken/ loose and during normal use, it comes off completely, this would not be covered because the service provider was not negligent in their use of the item and the damage was likely to occur if another service company performed a service.
- We do not cover damage for customer requests that are outside of the scope of the service details found in your receipt. For example, if you book a house cleaning and ask the provider to remove a stain on your carpet and they damage the carpet, we would not proceed with a claim because carpet cleaning was not included in the appointment. This also applies to 'extra' services you ask a service provider to complete that are not added to your service.
- We do not proceed with damage claims if the price of the item cannot be determined. This includes items of sentimental value, antiques, etc.
- In some cases, we will obtain our own quote for the damages. The settlement amount will be the average of the quotes.